Boucle de Saint-Laurent-des-Combes à pied - Un vignoble en relief


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  • Boucle de Saint-Laurent-des-Combes à pied - Un vignoble en relief
Boucle de Saint-Laurent-des-Combes à pied - Un vignoble en relief
  • Distance : 9 km Departure : SAINT-LAURENT-DES-COMBES
  • on foot Duration: 3h30 Difficulty : Easy
  • Difference in altitude : 0 D+

A 9-kilometre walk in the heart of the Saint Emilion vineyards. The birthplace of the famous châteaux Angelus, Ausone and Cheval Blanc, among others, Saint Emilion and the 8 communes within its jurisdiction were listed as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in 1999 as ‘cultural landscapes’.

The stages


Step 1

Your starting point is in front of the Romanesque church of Saint-Laurent-des-Combes.
The name ‘des Combes’ recalls the forest of ‘Cumbis’ which covered the chain of hills from Saint-Emilion to Saint-Laurent and in which the monk Emilion is said to have sought refuge in the time of the Saracens.
An arrow sign points the way to the ‘Boucle des Combes’. Follow a path surrounded by stone walls and steps. Admire the pretty wash-house carved into the stone.
150 m further on, you come to a beautiful viewpoint over the valley.
You'll discover a typical landscape of vines, woods and a rich rural heritage, which is why the commune has been listed as an integral part of the
part of the Saint Emilion Jurisdiction, on UNESCO's World Heritage List as a ‘cultural landscape’.


Step 2

At the signpost, turn right into the forest. The path winds and climbs steeply at first, then the slope becomes gentler. You arrive on the plateau between the forest and the rows of vines.


Step 3

At the end of the path, turn left. The path descends, then curves upwards between vineyards (follow the signs).


Step 4

You come to a small tarmac road (with arrows). You pass two stone houses, then after a small junction, continue for a few metres before taking a path to the left between the vines.


Step 5

After 100 m, take the tarmac road to the right. At the end of this road, you'll see two beautiful umbrella pines.


Step 6

Continue along this gently descending path and note the presence of a magnificent cedar tree near Château Godeau. Admire the wide view over the valley and the hillside opposite.


Step 7

After 200 m, at the bend in the road, turn left onto a side track, which is sometimes sunken and sometimes grassy. Follow the signs, take the downhill path and turn right at the bottom.


Step 8

You come to a tarmac road at the bottom of the valley.


Step 9

Continue to the right until you reach the main road
towards the village of Saint-Laurent, and turn right.


Step 10

150 m after passing a well, turn right at a magnificent lime tree. Continue along a grassy track until you reach a dangerous road.


Step 11

Cross this road slightly to your left and continue along the tarmac lane. Follow this road and you will find yourself on a path surrounded by vines. At the signpost, turn left. You will reach the road on the right.


Step 12

After crossing the railway line, turn right and follow the roadside past the old station.
After a hundred metres, turn left into the Parc Jean-Louis Faure, where you'll find a pleasant, relaxing setting and picnic tables.


Step 13

Cross the park and turn right. Walk along the vineyard and turn left onto a grassy path.


Step 14

You will come to a tarmac track, which you should take to the left.
After about fifty metres, turn right onto a dirt track in the undergrowth. This takes you deep into the forest. Follow the signs carefully, as the path forks several times.


Step 15

Cross a tarmac road and continue along the dirt track to a magnificent bamboo grove. Turn left and continue through the vineyards, before reaching a new tarmac road. Turn right and enjoy the view over the hillsides.


Step 16

After about 500 m, turn right at the stone milestone, then after 200 m turn left onto a dirt track alongside the vines. Pass under the railway line and turn right at the bottom of the embankment. When you reach the tarmac road, turn left and continue over the first junction to the main road. Turn right and walk along this road, keeping an eye out for traffic.


Step 17

After 200 m, turn left onto a grassy path and follow the signs carefully, which will take you to the foot of a staircase. The view over the valley is splendid. The staircase is steep and takes you back to your starting point.
Here, think of all the prestigious sites and names that await you in the vicinity and take your time to enjoy them... in moderation.

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