BALADE UNESCO - Journées du Patrimoine 2024


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BALADE UNESCO - Journées du Patrimoine 2024

During the European Heritage Days, take advantage of a ‘UNESCO walk’ guided tour.

Your guide will take you on a tour of the landscapes that have been listed as UNESCO sites for the past 25 years.

Without destroying it, human communities have made the most of the area's features to develop their activities and way of life around this vineyard, the first to be included on UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1999.

The cultivation of the land, the exploitation of quarries, the establishment and development of towns, the construction of religious buildings and dwellings: all these have created a landscape in perfect harmony with the topography and resources of the area.

This walking tour will take you on a journey through history...

Visit in French only.


  • 21 September 2024 - 10:30:00 à 12:30:00
  • 22 September 2024 - 14:00:00 à 16:00:00


  • French


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