14ème Printemps Photographique de Pomerol

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14ème Printemps Photographique de Pomerol

Friday 21st March
The exhibition in the vineyard, Archives of the American ‘Great Depression

Thirty-three large-format panels installed in the Pomerol vineyards bear witness to the disastrous consequences of the great economic crisis that hit the United States from 1929 onwards, and which combined with the outbreak of the Second World War. Hired by the Farm Security Administration (FSA) - a federal agency headed by the economist Roy E. Stryker - a team of leading photographers was commissioned to criss-cross the country between 1935 and 1943 to rally American public opinion behind President Roosevelt's economic programme, the New Deal.

Friday morning: Lecture by Céline Diais at the Pomerol-Néac-Lalande de Pomerol RPI (Regroupement Pédagogique Intercommunal); the lecture will be open only to CM1 and CM2 classes at the Lalande-de-Pomerol school. The lecture is reserved exclusively for pupils from the RPI.

6pm: Visit to the exhibitions*: Denise Colomb, Céline Diais, Pascal Laplassotte, Françoise Nunez, Pascal Peyrot

- Denise Colomb, ‘Entre hasard et curiosités’, photographs from the collection of the Médiathèque du patrimoine et de la photographie, Maison des associations de Pomerol

- Céline Diais, the great future of ‘small-scale fishing’, Pomerol town hall

- Pascal Laplassotte, ‘Le rêve blanc’, multi-purpose hall, Pomerol

- Françoise Nunez, ‘Photographe ultrasensible’, Syndicat Viticole de Pomerol

- Pascal Peyrot, ‘Les appareils photo des grands photographes’, Syndicat Viticole de Pomerol

8.30pm: Reza, ‘Je suis optimiste pour l'avenir de l'humanité’ (I'm optimistic about the future of humanity), projection of images with commentary by the author, accompanied by his wife Rachel Deghati, author, publisher and editorial director of their joint studio. Salle polyvalente, Pomerol

* Exhibitions presented only during the festival:
Friday from 5pm to 8pm, and Saturday from 10am to 8pm

Saturday 22nd March
10.30am: Gilles Mora lecture, ‘La photo américaine, toute une histoire’, Maison des associations, Pomerol

3pm: Lecture by lawyer Daphné Juster, ‘The legal adventures of Daphné Juster’. She will be accompanied by photographers Marie Dorigny, MYOP agency, Patrick Zachmann, Magnum agency and Pierre Ciot, president of the Saif. Maison des associations de Pomerol

8pm: Bernard Plossu, ‘La fulgurance et la sagesse’, projection of images with commentary by the author. Artistic director Gilles Mora
Multi-purpose hall in Pomerol.

Reception and catering provided by the Images et Lumière association, Friday from 7pm and Saturday from 10am to 11pm.

The ‘Acacia’ bookshop will be selling a selection of books by the authors present.


Friday 21 March from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday 22 March from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Pomerol, 33500

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