Tèrra Aventura


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  • Tèrra Aventura
Office de tourisme du Grand Saint-Emilionnais

Entirely free of charge, and based on the geocaching concept, Tèrra Aventura is a fun and unusual activity that allows young and old alike to discover the region's rich heritage and natural treasures. The routes, which include a variety of enigmas full of humour and surprises, will lead you to the discovery of a well-hidden treasure.


Accompanied by Zalambic, wander through the narrow streets and lanes of the village of Saint-Émilion to solve the riddle on the trail (in French and English) "Mais que fait la Jurade?". Suitable for children, this activity invites you to discover the area on a 3km walk (approx. 2 hours). Use your smartphone or GPS to take part in this adventure, which starts at the Porte Brunet!


It's a family activity that will allow everyone to learn more about the Juridiction of Saint-Émilion, as well as discovering all the city's treasures...


  • Free: 0


  • English
  • Spanish
  • German

Office de tourisme du Grand Saint-Emilionnais


Opening month

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Opening days

  • M AM PM
  • T AM PM
  • W AM PM
  • T AM PM
  • F AM PM
  • S AM PM
  • S AM PM
  • 0 km

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